How K-dramas might ruin your Love Life

Ever wondered why that person you had been eyeing for weeks just rejected you in a flash? Ever questioned why the love of your life, after years of being together, just threw you away ? Well, chances are that you were taking lessons from the wrong teachers, possibly from K-dramas. Here are some ways how your endless nights of K-drama marathons may contribute to transforming your happy love life into a terrible one:

1. You develop an unlimited amount of high expectation for your future husband/wife

An absolute disaster from the start! You continue to hope and dream (and search) for that one perfect other half who is capable of doing anything that those perfect, good looking people in K-dramas can do. Cook, clean, work and love you anywhere, anytime *wink wink*. Who wouldn't want a partner like that? But the consistent pressure placed upon your real-life significant other will affect them. Say bye-bye to romance *waves*

The perfect, unrealistic example of a house-handy husband:

                                                Funny and chilly love life

                                                     Cooking together

2. You may be encouraged/convinced to become a pauper in order to attract those rich CEOs

This point is a way K-dramas can ruin your life overall! Honestly people, do not, I repeat, do not be brainwashed to think this way, ever! Though, with the way K-dramas depict it, it's practically fool-proof! O.O. Really, the super rich guys are always only attracted to poor girls.

For example: Boy over Flowers, Heirs, Shining Inheritance, Master's Sun, Secret Garden..

I mean which guy doesn't want to date a poor girl who will probably cause a lot of problems instead of a wealthy woman ? ~ Yes, nearly every male lead!

3. Any good looking man may be under suspicion for being a supernatural creature

There is no way a person could simply just be this good-looking...there most certainly must be a catch!
~ alien ( You who came from the stars?

~ ghost ( who are you?

4. You become a mute when it comes to expressing your feelings

In K-dramaland, we learn that in order to resolve anything, being silent and not communicating with the one you love is the perfect solution. Likewise, we learn from the best, and thus ENDANGER OUR RELATIONSHIP FOREVER! Come on, this is exactly the reason why the third wheel characters never get the one they want!

5. You must leave your birth country in order to find your true love
Or so you would believe. Don't believe me? Check out the examples below:

The Heirs - Eun Sang and Kim Tan meet in the lovely L.A., where their love begins to blossom

6. Noona romances seem like the most desirable relationships ever

For both the male and the female, noona romances (older female, younger male couples) seem to be the closest thing to an actual, proper relationship...most of the time. Excluding the crazy way they meet, the ridiculous reasons why they have to be together (or see each other) all the time, and the mess of events that occur after their meeting, everything else seems
normal enough!

Such examples include:

I Hear Your Voice

Personal Taste

My Love From Another Star

7. We're convinced to believe that once we find a person to go out with, a billion more guys and gals will swarm around and demand us too

So, you go from lonely and single for years to becoming someone as popular as Jennifer Lawrence? Damn man, what a life! HAHAHA! But seriously, where were you people years ago when I was only talking to myself in my cheap, half-empty apartment?

Like in To the beautiful you

8. You're under the belief that your life is more special than anyone else's, which translates to "My life is just like a K-drama romance"

You constantly compare your life to the the lives of people on a screen, and thus convince yourself that your love life is going to become just as cool as a K-drama romance. Pfft, like that's ever going to happen, right?? Right?...Hey, I'm right, right?


Please don't kill me ><

Let me know down in the comments below what other ways K-dramas ruin your love life ^^


  1. Yes it's highly unrealistic, and I'm getting sick to see how this is ruining the real relationship with out significant others who we no longer find attractive because of this k drama shit....... Wether it's insta or Facebook, the feeds are filled with crazy girls saying they are dieing to be with these korean actors...... People need to understand everything they depict is plastic and their life is run by their agencies. Without the permission of their agents these korean actors cannot even go to shit I suppose. If everything was so lovely why did the song song couple broke up in the first place. Seriously stop this nonsense already

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, my partner's obsession with porn and my obsession with K series set unrealistic expectation for our bodies and minds. Both are unhealthy
