If you're live were actually a K-drama

Annyeong my sweetpies ^^
Have you ever thought: to yourself : " Ahh I wish my life woud be like a drama.." ?
You can't do anything but envy the people in the drama and wish for a little bit more drama in your life??
Well, here are some good things if our life were actually a K-drama ^u^

1. Everyone around you would be good looking 
Hate going to school/work because it's just the same old everyday wherever you look? Well, what if you were always  surrounded by people who looked like this at school:

Or at work:

2.Every testosterone/PMS pumped situation can be solved with a simple wrist-grab-and-drag-away action
If only it could solve ALL of your life problems! If you're ever stuck in a sticky situation, your friend/potential love interest can just drag you away, because what else can you do? 'Talk it out,' did you say? Pfft! Remember guys, in K-drama world, talking apparently can't get you anywhere!

                                           For male and female

3.You would either be filthy rich, or end up marrying someone who is.
It is a bit of a broad statement to make, but after seeing numerous dramas this year about poor girls meeting rich boys, I think I'm not too far off in assuming that this may happen to you. The possibility is high that you will marry the son of some rich father (who is the CEO) and a rich mother (who is probably vice-CEO) of a huge corporation they both own, and they pay for everything you do! Well girls, aren't you lucky? And for the disappointed guy readers out there, there are still scenarios where a rich girl can pick up a poor boy too *wink wink*.
Examples:   Secret Garden, Boys over Flowers, Cheongdamdong Alice, Shining inheritance, Masters Sun
 4.We'd all have our own OST playing in our day to day life  
A song would usually play in the background when a certain important or special moment occurs. Imagine this: You are getting ready to go to work/school and someone knocks at the door. You open it to see that it is your boyfriend/girlfriend huffing and puffing as if they have ran through a horde of zombies just to get to you. They lunge forward at you and kiss you square on the lips. Cue “Moment” by Changmin from 2AM. Awwwww~ He/she pushes you backward through the door, and closes it behind them…what happens next is up to your imagination *wink wink*.

Skincare videos

Annyeong sweethearts ^_~
Today i will post some videos about skincare routines and tips
Enjoy ^^

I hope these videos will help you ^^
Write in the comments below if you know any other skincare videos :)
Seey you!

Tips on skicare

Along about the mystique of the Stars, the way to help them is always brilliant, impressive public. Most people are nice kimchi that determines skin of beautiful young women, so they are very interested take a little skin every day.

Here is the secret star of Korean skin care, simple but very effective.

1. Drinking Enough Water

Start a new day with a cup of warm water and wash your face with cold water for a few minutes. Increase fruits and vegetables in your diet as these foods will balance the amount of water in the body.

2. Exfoliation (1-2 times / week)

Exfoliation with gentle products does not contain bleach or skin is what you should do regularly. What kind of massage gel goes deep into the skin to remove dead cells?

3. Perform Basic 3 Step Daily Skin Care

  • Cleaning: Actor Bae Suzy share the principle of “424″ on your own:
- 4 minutes removing the coconut oil, almond oil or any kind of bleach does. Cleansing is an essential step to clear skin, healthy and soft. Not only cleanse the face makeup, makeup remover helps remove dirt, sweat, sebum, blackheads. At the same time when you combine bleach with gentle massage to maximum efficiency, smoother skin.
- 2 minutes massage with cream foam
- 4 minutes then rinse with warm water and finish with cold water to tighten pores.
  • Apply toner (rose water): Instead of using cotton for the rose water and then absorbed into the skin, beautiful singer Yoona in direct hands were washed, patted rose water on your face. This is a popular beauty in Korea.
  • Use moisturizer: Apply moisturizer to your hands, rub well until warmed cream and apply on the face from the inside out, from top to bottom.

4. Mask

The skin masks of Korea has been tested over many generations and become skin care products is most popular in the world.
Each week you should facial once – mask cleaning (cleansing mask) first then moisturizing mask (Nourishing mask) for soft skin.
If the conditions of the time, you can also make masks at home, especially the combination of egg white and honey.
Go Hyun Jung recommend to mask the neck from chin to neck so the neck skin is white and soft, very big plus point for the charm of a woman.

5. Apply emulsion

Emulsion is a concentrated moisturizing gel penetrates the skin, contains moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid. This step makes you a nice smooth skin, softer.

6. Apply Essence (Cream)

These steps help to make the skin more light or white skin by absorbing the essence of you but not skin, not harm delicate skin. In essence contains moisturizing ingredients to help regenerate cells should not only moisturizing but also prevent and remove wrinkles. Do essence containing water and oil soluble skin characterizes the essence can be used with people with oily skin?
When choosing essence should be based on skin type and purpose to understand better For example, there are many kinds of high concentrations of oil and is good for aging skin but not good for young people because at that age, tend to have more skin mucus. Use dab in essence convenience for any period when facials were both.

7. Serum (Serum)

For flawless skin, hide age, Korean stars use anti-aging serum. The wrinkle formation slows and prices for the tiny bottles are usually quite expensive, ranging from U.S. $ 50-150.

8. Eye Cream

Sparkling eyes, big round would not be nice if the eye wrinkles and dark circles after long day at work. Therefore, the eye cream beauty products are indispensable. Position the right eye cream is applied around the eyes. No cream in contour eyelid, close the eye as this easy to fall into the ice cream, stinging or eye irritation.

9. Day and Night Moisturizer

For beautiful skin, healthy moisturizer is the most powerful supporter. Stars use moisturizer all the time, everywhere even in summer.

10. Train In The Face

These exercises are familiar with Korean actress singer clearly read “Ma Me Mi Mo Mu” 10 times a day to practice the lips and cheeks. Besides, you can also combine elastic facial muscles with breathing.
The simplest, Go Hyun Jung share laugh a lot because that smile is not the best exercise for the body but also increases the freshness emanating from within your soul.

11. Makeup Gently

When you own a whiter skin, now you just need to apply some simple steps to help religious makeup to the facial contours.

Things I learned from watching Korean Dramas

Annyeong! ^^
While watching Korean Dramas, I learnt a lot of new things about life and love.
So here are a few things you learn from Korea while watching K-dramas

Tell me what you'be learned from wathcing K-dramas ^^
Seey you *_~

Diet tips

1. Eat vegetables. 

Not only will you stay skinny, you'll be so healthy!! This was probably the biggest benefit I've had while going on a diet - you eat lots of vegetables. Not only are most of them low in calories, they are so good for you and you'll start to replace all your junk with fresh vegies. A lot of vegetables have a lot of carbs too, but these types of carbs unlike carbs found in white rice and bread make you stay fuller for longer so you are actually less hungry. Crazy right? Healthy skinny and less hungry on a DIET?? Can't be right. Stay away from starchy vegetables like potatoes though, they aren't the most nutritious or low in calories. I've started eating a lot more lettuce, cabbage, tomato and cucumber.

2. Replace certain high calorie foods with alternatives. 

When you are craving something, try and find the lowest calorie option. If you go to the supermarket and actually read labels, you'll be crazily surprised how big a difference just reading a label can make to your body. For example I was craving choc mousse, and the diet nestle mouse I found was 69 calories per tub. The alternative choc mouse form other brands were a crazy 150-200 calories a tub. They both would curb my craving but I took the skinny way out.

3. Avoid sugary drinks. 

A great alternative is to replace soft drinks and sweet drinks with tea. Or replace coke with coke zero or diet coke. The difference in calories is about 100 calories per can and they both taste similar. Seriously crazy.

4. Eat more often but eat smaller portions. 

I am a grazer, I love to eat all the time and during my whole diet I ate just as often as I'd normally eat so I didn't feel like I was missing out at all. Just make sure you eat less. The portions that take away stores serve is way to much for a small girl like me. I can split them in half and eat them over 2 meals and save money. Put half your food aside before you start eating.

5. Swap it don't stop it! 

I stole this clever line off the new health awareness program the government is running, but it's so valid. Don't stop eating it cause it'll just make you go into withdrawal and you'll end up eating more later. If you feel like junk, try and eat less and balance it with healthy food that's low in calories. For example I totally felt like Maccas one night and I thought I was going to break my diet - but I had been eating so healthy that my body was just like nooo give me fat and oil. I found out that the good old maccas hamburger was only about 250 calories and I also found out that getting a tissue and simply blotting some of the excess oil off the patty can save you up to 50 calories. Not like you'd miss the dripping fat anyways. So I blotted it and shoved a whole lot of lettuce in between the buns and had the best junk food fix without spending much of my food budget at all! Compare it to a big mac meal which is about 1100 calories and pretty much my whole daily intake. No thanks I'd rather eat a bunch of healthy food and not go hungry than one Maccas meal and thats it.

6. Try not to eat out or eat foods that don't have a label. 

This is probably the hardest thing to adjust to. If you are used to eating out a lot, this may be a huge change for you. When you don't know what goes in your food, it's hard to stick to your diet. For example, if one tablespoon is 125 calories, it just takes the restaurant or food outlet one tablespoon of ingredients to totally throw you off your diet. Just that little bit of extra oil, or using sub par ingredients can make you fat. A good alternative is to make sure you exercise the day you are eating out - this will give you some calories to work with. Or you can eat less, order vegetables or order an entree. A lot of girls in Japan will not eat out for this very reason. If you walk around the fast food chains and resteraunts (and mind you they have a lot healthier ones then we do) there are very few women. Japanese people are obsessed with staying slim so I'm not surprised.

7. Watch your carbs. 

We've all heard about the no carb diet, but I don't believe that cutting carbs out is a good idea, or that it will even make a difference to your figure. A lot of articles support this, however white refined carbs actually carry a lot of calories per gram then other foods. This is a reason to avoid carbs or at least reduce it. Think of filling your plate or bowl with 1/3 carbs and the rest vegetables. This will radically reduce the number of carbs you eat without really making you any less hungry. Carbs is poor mans food anyways ;).

8. Use tools that make it that much more fun.

This is my climax! I've totally run out of tips from the top of my head and I'm saving this to last. My major reason for being able to stay on a diet (I've never been able to before) is because of this one App I downloaded. It made it fun!! It's called MyFitnessPal and it's the best weight loss app ever. It calculates my daily calorie limit based on my height weight exercise and goal weight and tell me how many calories I can consume everyday. When I add food to my diary, a lot of he popular foods is already inputted by other users and you can just search from it's huge library of foods and add it in really quickly. If you eat something often and it's not on there, you can add it in and it'll add it to the list and remember it for you so next time you add it in you can just look it up. I cannot recommend this enough!! You can also add friends and keep track of progress!! Once you enter in the calories you ate for the day it'll tell you how much weight you will lose! Full motivation. If you want to join me in this diet journey you can add me on MyFitnessPal by using my username: wengir (it was supposed to be wengie but I typoed with my fat fingers and couldn't change it...my bad :/) I've attached some screenshots so you know what it looks like

This is your daily food diary that counts down the amount of calories you can eat.
This is what it looks like when you are adding something, you can just search.

This is an awesome motivating screen that you see when you finish your diary!! (ignore the warning...I'm trying to lose weight faster!)

9. Drink diet tea

Drinking tea before a meal (and after) helps you burn an extra 60-70 calories, and therefore increases your metabolism. There's many articles online that swears about the benefits of green tea, and it's probably the secret to how the Japanese stay so skinny.

Drinking tea before a meal, not only helps you burn more calories, but also fills you up that little bit so you eat a bit less.

I stumbled upon this girl on instagram and she lost a crazy amount of weight, like from obese to friggin stick skinny and she said one of her secrets to her weight loss apart from boot camp was diet tea. So I went crazy trying to search for this diet tea. Not only does Oprah has lost weight from this tea, but so many people sweat by it. So I bought it.

You drink it before your meal and after your meal and at least 6 times a day. It is a type of green tea as well and tastes pretty good, in fact I'm pretty addicted to it now. The secret to it is that it blocks your body from absorbing oil.

After I drink the tea, I check my toilet, ew right, but seriously you can see a layer of oil thats been flushed out. It's so disgusting but if I look skinny who cares right :)??

Also warning if you drink too much you may was to go to the toilet more often - but thats good cos it keeps your intestines clean and your stomach just goes heaps FLAT.

Videos about diets

Annyeong ^^
I hope my prevoius posts could help you a bit.
I thought, maybee it would be good if you also watch some videos about diet tips, so it won't become boring to just read my posts ^^'

I hope they will help you ^w^

Kpop idol diets

Annyeong ^^
I will post some more diets of Kpop idols so LETS GO! 

Suh In Young’s Meal Plan
Morning: 1~2 bananas, 2 cups of water
Lunch: healthy and non-greasy Korean meal
Snack: 1/2~1 banana when feeling hungry
Dinner: Korean meal mostly composed of rice and herbs

Nicole’s “Danish” Diet
 KARA’s Nicole claimed that she lost more than 3kg by sticking to Denmark diet. Denmark diet, which is known to be a diet plan that is used at the Royal Danish Hospital, is a very strict high-protein and low-calorie diet that lasts for 13 days. The majority of the diet plan is composed of animal protein and black coffee.
 Repeat the diagram below twice (so 14 days). Meat cannot be fried and you will have to exercise.
 Extremely low caloric intake of approximately 600 calories per day will make you feel weak. Very unbalanced eating plan, lacking in fruits, whole grains and dairy, which can lead to kidney problems, bowel impaction and vitamin deficiencies. I hate black coffee… so I’ll probably fail. Worst is that once you stop, you have to start all over again.

Secret’s Diet Plan
Morning: 1 slice of toast, 1 apple, 1 sweet potato
Lunch: chicken breast salad
Dinner: 8 cherry tomatoes, 1 cucumber
Morning: 1 slice of toast, low-fat milk
Lunch: 1 sweet potato
Dinner: 8 strawberries, 5 cherry tomatoes
Morning: 1 slice of toast, low-fat milk
Lunch: 1 sweet potato, 5 cherry tomatoes
Dinner: 5 strawberries, 1 cucumber
Morning: 1 slice of toast, low-fat milk
Lunch: chicken breast, 8 strawberries
Dinner: 5 cherry tomatoes, 1 cucumber
Morning: 1 slice of toast, 1 apple
Lunch: 3 eggs, 1 cucumber, 5 cherry tomatoes
Dinner: 10 strawberries, 1 cucumber
Morning: 1 slice of toast, low-fat milk
Lunch: 1 sweet potato
Dinner: 1 tofu, 3 cherry tomatoes
Morning: 1 slice of toast, 1 apple, low-fat milk
Lunch: 1 sweet potato
Dinner: 1 cucumber
Scientific backing:
 The sweet potatoes the girls eat daily are high in dietary fiber, low in calorie content, and have high amount of water. So in simple terms, it helps them poo when they’re basically not eating anything.
Cucumbers, strawberries and tomatoes are also very high in water content and quite filling compared to other foods.
 There is no meat or green leaf vegetables in their diet. Meat is essential for protein, which aids muscle and cell repair, and iron, key component of the bloods abillity to carry oxygen and function at optimum levels. The biggest danger would be fainting from hunger and cracking your heads open. But oh wells… who doesn’t die in the end anyway?

Yoon Eun Hye’s Diet
Meal Plan…
Morning: rice 170 g, dried pollack bean spout soup, steamed eggs, seasoned sesame leaves, corn salad, kimchi
Lunch: rice 170 g, crab soup, sweet potato sprouts, three colored cold salad, boiled kidney beans, kimchi
Snack: 1/2 bag of puffed corn cookies, cherry tomatoes 200g
Dinner: rice 170 g, mushroom stew, roasted herring with salt, stir-fried butterbur, bean sprouts, kimchi
Snack: 10~20 strawberries
Scientific backing:
Eating five small meals throughout the day can help you control your appetite, raise your metabolism and reduce your chances of overeating. Eating more frequently reduces your risk of obesity by decreasing the blood insulin response to long fasts that increase fat storage and weight gain.
She eats alot of rice which will keep her full throughout her busy day. But i would actually recommend a little less rice and instead another dish to boost her nutrient intake. Rice is quite high in carbohydrates. However, if you love rice like i love cake, then try brown rice.

reblogged from http://chienna.wordpress.com/2012/03/01/extreme-korean-celebrity-diets/

Seey you ^^